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Sergio Rossi CEO Riccardo Sciutto先生談時尚與鞋履

導讀:在時尚領域有著豐富經(jīng)驗的Riccardo Sciutto先生對品牌有著獨特的見解,懂得融合品牌歷史并融合市場的新走向,相信Sergio Rossi的未來值得我們翹首以待。

近日嘉人有幸采訪了Sergio Rossi品牌的新上任的CEO Riccardo Sciutto先生。在時尚領域有著豐富經(jīng)驗的Riccardo Sciutto先生對品牌有著獨特的見解,懂得融合品牌歷史并融合市場的新走向,相信Sergio Rossi的未來值得我們翹首以待。


Riccardo Sciutto
Riccardo Sciutto









Q:你為什么會選擇加入Sergio Rossi呢?

A:因為Sergio Rossi是全世界最好的鞋履品牌。我想要挖掘Sergio Rossi尚未完全展現(xiàn)的潛力,我們現(xiàn)在不錯,但我們能做的更好。

Q:自從加入Sergio Rossi發(fā)生了什么有趣的事呢?

A:有趣的事情太多啦!(笑)最有趣的應該是了解Sergio Rossi的故事吧。進入品牌之后,了解了之前五十年的各種系列和品牌歷史,我們希望在創(chuàng)新的過程中不丟掉過去五十年品牌的精華,讓品牌在歷史的基礎上升華。

Q:Sergio Rossi有什么未來計劃呢?


Q:你認為Sergio Rossi屬于怎么樣的女人呢?


Q:你作為Sergio Rossi的CEO打算怎么讓品牌更進一步呢?

A:下一步隨著新店鋪和新網(wǎng)站的推出,在線上線下我們都以客戶為主,融入我以前的經(jīng)驗并放眼未來,為顧客提供更好的鞋子、更好的體驗。我認為時尚很重要,但值得流傳的品質更重要,Sergio Rossi希望制造被女性珍藏的鞋子,而不過季了就被扔掉的東西。

Q:Sergio Rossi如何在眾多的鞋履品牌中脫穎而出呢?

A:我們是少數(shù)從生產(chǎn)到銷售全部都是內部完成的品牌。Sergio Rossi在五十年前就致力于做出更好的鞋子,積累了深厚的經(jīng)驗,讓我們能夠在制作工藝和時尚態(tài)度之間找到了完美的平衡。





Q:You have this marvelous business career,can you give us some insight of fashion business?

A:I love this fashion business because it is very fascinating and its very crazy.My advice is to be very curious all the time,curious is the secret to solve all the problems.Being curious is put what you learn in your back pack,but then you discover something more,its not finished,its like a never ending game.And also its my philosophy to fly very high in terms of vision and fly very low in term of understanding what our customer need.

 Q:You have tell us the good part,so whats the bad part of fashion business?

 A:Bad part depends on the people.I think the bad part and good part both depend on the people.I love working with people who has a personal point of view and passionate,but its 

Q:What is your definition of a good pair of shoes?

A:First its Sergio Rossi.The shoes are one of the only items in the fashion business express a lot of personality of the person.If there are ten women with the same  black dress,depends on the shoes i can tell more about them.When you get up in the morning,you think which shoes I'm going to wear and you dress all the rest.

 Q:Why do you choose to join Sergio Rossi?

 A:Cause for me its the best shoe brand in the world.What i want to do is to express the real value of Sergio Rossi.Today we are doing a good job but we can do much more.

 Q:Is there any interesting experience since you join Sergio Rossi?

 A:Everyday!The most interesting is to understand and study deep the story of Sergio Rossi,story of old collections,the heritage.My dream is to take all the heritage of the past fifty years,try to put it in a new system in a modern way,but don't forget what happened in the past.

 Q:What’s the future development plans of Sergio Rossi?

 A:Sergio Rossi has set the new direction of designers.We already change the website last month,waiting the big result coming with the new collection.We want the previous customer coming to see the new point of view of Sergio Rossi.

 Q:What kind of women do you think Sergio Rossi shoes belong to?

 A:The woman is always very self confident.She also need to be ironic and playful.Today,the ladies want to be happy.You need to be serious in term of attitude,but also playful.

 Q:How are you intend to improve Sergio Rossi as the CEO of the brand?

 A:The next step,with the new store and the new website,serve customer even better.Now its not the period of online or offline,that was the last ten years.Now,the customer is the center of the project,and i’ll put in my experience,my heritage,and look into the future.

 Q:How is Sergio Rossi different from other show brands?

 A:We are one of the only companies producing everything internally.This is amazing.Most of the other show brands produce outside.Everything we do,start fifty years ago,are cool trendy and easy to wear.

 Q:How do you think of China?

 A:I like the way you are evolving everyday.Chinese people are full of curiosity,curiosity enables people to grow very fast and develop very fast.China is not follower,this is a country full of capability.

 Q:What’s your favorite Chinese food?

 A:I love peking duck and the frog,also the foot of the chicken.

Sergio Rossi CEO Riccardo Sciutto先生談時尚與鞋履

